I Decided to Buy a Sausage Roll for Lunch Today…
At around 1.12pm today, I was glued to my laptop sending emails to Founders and CEOs at brands I’d love to work with — hoping that at least one would come back and agree to a chat.
One did (Merlie Calvert, Founder at Farillio) and politely said that they’re not looking to hire an agency right now but will keep us on their radar.
It’s so nice to get a response! It makes the dry eyeballs and numb fingertips worthwhile.
Anyway, when Georgie boy (a guy I work with) asked if I wanted to go and grab a sausage roll from Gail’s Bakery, I couldn’t help thinking, “I just need to send one last email because this might be the one…”. Typing away I realised, it can wait.
We arrive at Gail’s and I’m suddenly alert because I’m mesmerised by all the food in front of me.
There was one sausage roll left. It was mine. I paid with my card and waited patiently.
A few minutes later the guy behind the till realised he took my order wrong so he refunded me £3 in cash. (I never carry cash.) I did think £6.50 was a bit pricy for a sausage roll…
Anyway, 5 minutes later I was indulging in a warm pastry with a thick meaty middle.
(This isn’t an advertisement for Gail’s sausage rolls by the way! But I do highly recommend you try one.)
On route back to the office, I walk past a guy on a typewriter.
He types up poems if you give him a few quid. Today, I had a few quid so I brought a poem.
He asked me what I wanted it to be about and I said, “Hustle — because I run a creative agency that helps startups…” He stopped me there and wrote this:

This is not a desk, it is
An airport, sending ideas
And information around the world.
It is a factory, forever forging
Inspiration and endeavour.
It is a studio, a science lab,
A gallery, a furnace
Of innovation, a place
Where miracles occur.

I decided to buy a sausage roll for lunch today even though I had soup in the fridge.
That decision has made this story. Not just in my life, but in yours too because I’ve shared it with you.
That’s the power of storytelling.
Now this poem exists. And it’s in a frame on my desk. (Pls excuse the mess!)
And one day it will be on a wall behind a big reception desk for more people to see and more people to share this story.